National Law University-Jodhpur (NLUJ) is one of India’s leading law schools situated in the Blue City of India i.e. Jodhpur, Rajasthan. NLUJ has been consistently ranked as one of the top law schools in India. Since its establishment under the National Law University, Jodhpur, Act,1999, it has been doing exceptionally well in the legal field. NLUJ attracts top quality students coming from diverse social, cultural and religious backgrounds from all corners of India. NLUJ boasts a high placement rate. Therefore, most of the students get placed at top legal firms all over India as well as abroad. NLUJ students have also pursued further studies on prestigious scholarships at leading Universities in the world including Harvard, Yale, Oxford, LSE and King’s.
The University has developed a holistic approach towards understanding law and justice from a multi-disciplinary perspective. The University offers unique five year integrated undergraduate programs i.e. B.B.A., LL.B.(Hons.); B.A., LL.B.(Hons.); to generate especially skilled global legal professionals. These integrated programs offer highly comprehensive and demanding honors courses in multiple facets of law such as Constitutional Law, Business Law, Trade Law,International Law, Criminal Law, Family Law, Administrative Law, Intellectual Property Law.The University’s one year LL.M. programs in Corporate Laws, IPR and Technology Laws aim to harness young talent for reaching the pinnacle of legal perfection. The University also offers LL.D. and Ph.D. programs for students who prefer to specialize in a subject and gain a deeper insight.
NLUJ boasts of a dynamic faculty comprising of both experienced and young academicians coming from diverse backgrounds and drawn from all across India. The faculty members of NLUJ having studied at leading universities in India and abroad and having their research published in leading international and national journals are constantly involved in delivering quality teaching and undertaking bold experiments in pedagogy. Multiple scholars and experts from Harvard and Max Planck have visited NLUJ on research and teaching assignments. NLUJ is committed to the advancement of knowledge and learning and is striving to become a centre for excellence in legal studies. It is dedicated to churning out committed lawyers of highest academic and professional standards and producing top quality legal scholars. Further, NLUJ was ranked fifth in NIRF rankings of law colleges for 2018 and was ranked sixth in India by The Week’s “Top Law Colleges 2017”.
In March 2019 the Moot Court Committee of the University hosted the Tenth NLU AntiTrust Law Moot Court Competition. The specialized theme for this Moot Court Competition is Anti-Trust Law, also known as Competition Law. This Competition is organized under the aegis of the Competition Commission of India, a statutory regulatory body and Khaitan & Co. LLP, a top-tier law firm.
On the internal front, moot courts are well integrated into the curriculum of the University. In all law subjects (beginning right from the first semester of the undergraduate programme), 15–20 percent of the marks are earmarked for moot courts and are assessed by the panel of two or three judges (teaching faculty or retired judges) where the students are required to address the court on the problem related to the subject matter being taught in the paper and assessed upon their performance. Based on the cumulative performance in these internal moot courts and other criteria, the Moot Court Committee organizes an intra-University moot court competition once in each semester and depending upon the rankings of these intra-University moot court competitions, the students are sent to represent the University in various National and International Moot Court Competitions.
As a premier national institution that seeks to promote critical thinking and quality scholarship National Law University, Jodhpur publishes multiple academic journals: NLUJ Law Review; Trade, Law and Development; Indian Competition Law Review; etcetera.
More information about the University is available at and